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University data centres are the unsung heroes of modern academia, providing the vital infrastructure for research, education and administrative functions. However, their immense power demands can create a significant budgetary and environmental burden. Fortunately, numerous hidden inefficiencies in data centre operations present compelling opportunities for energy optimisation. By shedding light on these inconspicuous energy wasters, universities can unlock substantial cost savings and environmental benefits.

Five Key Areas for Data Centre Energy Optimisation:

Server Utilisation

Underutilised servers left idling draw “phantom power,” contributing to unnecessary energy consumption. Implementing server virtualisation, workload consolidation and automated power management strategies can significantly reduce this hidden drain.

Cooling System Optimisation

Legacy cooling systems often operate at suboptimal efficiency, overcooling equipment and wasting energy. Regular maintenance, temperature adjustments, airflow optimisation, and the adoption of more efficient cooling technologies can lead to substantial energy savings.

Eliminating Phantom Loads

Devices in “standby” mode still draw power, contributing to energy waste. Implementing smart power strips, timers, and occupancy sensors can automatically shut down or wake up equipment based on usage, eliminating unnecessary power consumption.

Optimising Rack Layout and Airflow

Densely packed servers with inadequate airflow create hot spots and hinder efficient cooling. Strategically arranging servers, implementing hot aisle containment solutions and ensuring proper cable management can improve airflow and reduce cooling energy demands.

Intelligent Lighting and HVAC Control

Leaving lights and HVAC systems running 24/7 unnecessarily increases energy consumption. Implementing occupancy sensors, automated scheduling and smart controls can significantly reduce energy waste from these systems.

Enhancing Energy Efficiency Across Your University

By strategically addressing these hidden energy wasters, universities can unlock:

  • Reduced energy costs: Lowering data centre energy consumption directly translates to cost savings, freeing up resources for other critical university needs.
  • Environmental benefits: Reducing energy consumption minimises carbon footprint, aligning universities with sustainability goals and promoting environmental responsibility.
  • Improved operational efficiency: Optimised data centres operate more efficiently, reducing server downtime, enhancing performance and minimizing maintenance costs.

Keysource EOS: Your Partner in Data Centre Energy Optimisation

Keysource Energy Optimisation Studies (EOS) offer a comprehensive approach to identifying and addressing hidden energy wasters in your data centre. Our expert team analyses your facility utilisation, assesses power and cooling infrastructure, and proposes customised optimisation solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Keysource EOS empowers universities to optimise data centre operations, achieve significant cost savings, and embrace a more sustainable future.

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